Posted tagged ‘Stalin’

Political Hues

24 July, 2011

The problem with most modern analyses of politics is that they are described as dichotomous and linear when they might be better depicted as trichotomous and three-dimensional.  That is, instead of a linear left/right divide—with the good guys in the centre (or, as the mainstream media would insist, slightly left of centre) and extremists on either the far-left or the far-right, casting the extremists on both sides as most different from each other—a better picture of the political spectrum is a coloured, solid model of a dipyramidal hexahedron of three main colours based mainly on the computer’s basic colours of red, blue and green, gradating towards white and black at the two apices.
Red would comprise, for the most part (in basic, rather simplified terms), what is often termed the left, describing those who would give political authority to “the people”, particularly the workers or the proletariat.  (Stalin’s political colour, for example, was darkest red—so dark it was virtually black.)  Red politics, because of the supposed fraternity of the proletariat around the world, tend to be internationalist.
Blue would comprise, for the most part, what is often termed the right, describing those who would give political authority to “the State”, particularly to institutions, such as the king or even the military forces, to represent the rule of law, abstract justice and market principles.  Blue politics tend to be nationalist.
Green would comprise those, such as the Greens or Islamic fundamentalists, who would give political authority to their god—Allah, for instance, or Gaia or the Awesome Majesty of the Forests—, and who would subordinate all human decision making to obeying the authorised and authoritarian hierarchs of the one true religion.  Green politics, because of the various gods’ supposed unicity and universality, tend to be supranationalist.
Between these three main colours are, of course, myriad mixed hues.
Within the tripartite representation of politics extremes are placed together instead of being spread apart in the simple linear model; instead of the centre of a line suggesting similarities, the centre of the colour wheel—brightness of light—shews enlightenment: those who believe in the rights of the individual within the rule of law are brighter, those who subordinate the individual to autocratic control are darker.  Centrists, who place equal importance to the people and authorities and religion but who support maximum individual, nomocratic freedom move towards being white; contrariwise, all extremists—whether socialist, tory or theocratic—are basically alike, and those of the darker, more extremist shades, whether ascribing absolute importance to the people (dark red) or the market or the aristocracy (dark blue) or their god (dark green) but autocratically permit no freedom for individual people (outside of the ruling class), are so close to being black as to be virtually indistinguishable.